Launch Lesson on CyVerse


  • Understand how to get a CyVerse account
  • Understand how to launch a lesson on CyVerse
  • Understand to manage data on CyVerse

Get a CyVerse Account

In order to run this lesson, you will need to have a CyVerse account. To get your account, visit CyVerse user portal.

Launch a lesson on CyVerse

This lesson will be launched from the CyVerse Discovery Environment.

For the RNA-Seq Leptin Lesson

  1. Click this quick-launch button to launch the lesson;


    login to the Discovery Environment if necessary; then click Launch Analysis to start the application.

  2. In your notifications (bell icon, upper right of DE screen), you will see a link to the JupyterLab session;

    Session Link

    it may take 5 minutes or more before the JupyterLab session loads in a new browser tab.

    lab session

  3. The JupyterLab session will be active for 48 hours. After then, the lesson will automatically terminate. Any files altered/created will be automatically stored back to the CyVerse Data Store.

Data Management on CyVerse

Before launching a JupyterLab session, you can also elect to include specific datasets not included in this lesson. You may also want to move data to or from the JupyterLab session after you have started it. Learn more about Data transfers from learning materials on CyVerse Data Store and CyVerse VICE.

Backup Notebook

Notebook 5 Contains instructions for importing data into your JupyterLab session. If you want to skip steps, or import previously worked results, follow instructions in this notebook to import files.